Charles Edwin Bennett (April 6, 1858 May 2, 1921) was an American classical scholar and the Goldwin Smith Professor of Latin at Cornell University. He is best remembered for his book New Latin Grammar, first published in 1895 and still in print today. Contents. 1 Life; 2 Other publications; 3 References; 4 External links (1898) of Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, of which he was an editor. download and read online The Space that Remains: Reading of. Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity (Cornell Studies in Classical. Philology) file PDF Book only if you Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from Cornell studies in classical philology;v. ISBN 0-8014-2948-x (cloth) ISBN 0-8014-8298-4 (paper) 1. Cornell Studies in Classical Philology (Volume 11): Cornell University: Libros. IV, 19, 1: Credis eum iam posse tuae meminissefigurae. Find more information about: G M Kirkwood. OCLC Number: 166584. Description: xiii, 304 pages 24 cm. Series Title: Cornell studies in classical philology, v. 31. Annales litt